Crimson Splash Unlimited Edition

Crimson Splash, Unlimited Edition

Crimson Splash now comes with custom server support, allowing anyone who wants a basic FPS to host a server of their own.

Please note. I am not responsible for anything that happens on hosted servers. Anything that happens falls on either you, as the player, or the hoster.

If you would like your server to be included in the list of servers to connect to, let me know. Otherwise, simply have someone set their host and port with the options present in the main menu.

There is a central server up for those who do not have a VPS, but please note that it is not being moderated, so do not expect promising results.

Please refer to the readme and keyboard shortcuts section to learn how to play the game. If you would like to release your own client containing your version of the readme and keyboard reference, feel free to, so long as you include all the files that come with this archive to prevent issues from arising.

Some of the weapons from Warfront have been ported over to this edition, so enjoy.

An inventory menu as been added (press Y) as well as a camera (hold down G and use arrows / page up and down). Hopefully you find these useful.


Version Information

If you have visited this page in the past, you may of saw two archives. One was the client an dserver bundled into one archive, and the other one was just the server on its own. This was Crimson Splash 2.0.

Now, you have the option of getting the latest Crimson Splash build, 2.4, just below it. It comes with lots of improvements, as well as a built-in updater, which will allow me to keep the game up to date without having you to redownload every time.

You are still able to host Crimson Splash 2.0 servers, but they will need to be flagged as 2.0 servers in the list, until you tell users or I that you have updated your server to 2.4.

You are not able to run Crimson Splash 2.0 on a 2.4 server and vice versa. Client 2.0 is for server 2.0, and client 2.4 is for server 2.4.

Archive Password

The password to all archives is


Entering this password should extract all archives.
